It's no secret- my absolute favorite thing to photograph are newborns. Tiny babies. After that, individual portraits are my favorite... I do photograph families, but not traditional posed families who want all subjects looking at the camera and smiling for every picture. I enjoy a couple of "smiling and looking" portraits, but for the most part, I love to capture interactions. The love between a parent and their child, or parents and their children. The tickles, the sillies, the whispers, the kisses, the love. Not 1-2-3 "cheese," but instead, the real stuff.

This, in my mind, is the good stuff.The kind of portrait I'd want enlarged huge in canvas on my walls. It shows the true family dynamic. Not cardboard versions of them, but really how they are with each other.

Sure, by request, I'll absolutly try for a couple of "posed" and "looking" shots each family session, but for the most part, that's not what I am hired for. When I do catpure posed family shots, I try to keep them natural, not stiff or akward. Here's one that works great:

Beautiful family, aren't they?
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