Friday, January 26, 2007

juliet update

You may know my sweet Juliet... Well, she's not really mine, but I can still say that!
Anyway, you may "know" her because she has her own gallery on my website... She is unbelievably just a few days shy of being FOUR MONTHS OLD now. Is that insane?!

Here she is.

Almost 4 months. Here are some previous images of her...

7 days12 days

21 days
10 weeks

and finally, more of the almost-4-months:

For more Juliet, feel free to browse the website. Click on galleries and then "watching juliet."

This weekend I look forward to my first day of mini-sessions with Arrivals Maternity Boutique. Which means that YOU can look forward to a few new postings here! :)

Enjoy the weekend!