website problems!
I am experiencing some technical difficulties today, perhaps last night as well. If you can not access the website, please try back tomorrow or the next day. This problem should be remedied soon!
If you are trying to send an email, I am probably not getting it. I have not received any since last night. I apologize for this- please resend it tomorrow, and if you do not hear back from me promptly, then you can assume I did not receive it. Today or any time, feel free to call: 414.861.5531.
I'm looking forward to a day of mini sessions on Sunday, can't wait to meet some new people, photograph new faces, and see some clients that I know and love.
And... I do have a quick sneak peek from a recent GORGEOUS little girl........

Have a wonderful day!
If you are trying to send an email, I am probably not getting it. I have not received any since last night. I apologize for this- please resend it tomorrow, and if you do not hear back from me promptly, then you can assume I did not receive it. Today or any time, feel free to call: 414.861.5531.
I'm looking forward to a day of mini sessions on Sunday, can't wait to meet some new people, photograph new faces, and see some clients that I know and love.
And... I do have a quick sneak peek from a recent GORGEOUS little girl........

Have a wonderful day!
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