Friday, July 07, 2006

forgotten paperwork & availability

Yet another uncommonly cooperative toddler today! And this one just turned two a few days ago. It was so much fun to photograph this family at their home and then walk to the lake. It was a bit of a last minute squeeze-in as I am currently booked for the next five weeks, and then there is a bit of space before the holidays.

Today's client called me last week though, her gorgeous baby is 8 weeks now, and she wanted birth announcements. We all know how that goes. Those first weeks when we all think we "should" call the photographer and get birth announcements escape us and before you know it-- baby's a couple months old!

Call, call, call! Call when you're still pregnant, call as SOON as you have the baby... let me know! There's always flexibility with newborn sessions, and of course, anything scheduled is just tentative until you actually have your baby! Just let me know ahead of time when you are expecting and we can work with that.

Anyways, about today's client. I couldn'tmake her wait more than another month to get in, so we did it today. I'm so glad we did, everyone was in the perfect mood for it and oh so cooperative (again!)

The one thing with last minute squeeze in's is that sometimes there's not enough time to get the paperwork back in the mail, so I just plan on picking it up at the session. It's so hard for me to remember that kind of thing at a session and sure enough, today, I forgot. It was not until I returned to my office and quickly glanced through the images that I realized I did not yet have signed policies and releases. I really do need these back from clients asap to reserve your space and to ensure that everything moves along smoothly.

I emailed to ask her to send them asap, and in the meantime, I have nothing to post from this session. I've picked out my favorites though and once I get the release and the paperwork, I can get busy proofing them and I can post some here from the session!


Oh- one note-- although I am booked for the next 5 weeks, I have one session available the week after next, the week of June 17th. After that, my next availability is not until the week of August 14. If you're hoping to get in before mid-August, contact me soon!