If you're online browsing for a moment, stop and check out an article: and
Front page, center column- first article under "your place your stories."
I really am excited and thrilled to have this improved way of showing you your images. It just doesn't do some images justice to see them in 5x7 prints when making your selections. So far, it has been a tremendous success... the viewing and ordering sessions that have utilized this have appreciated being able to see all of the detail in each of their images... it's wonderful.
I have to run out for a session but will be in later to post some sneak peeks!
Front page, center column- first article under "your place your stories."
I really am excited and thrilled to have this improved way of showing you your images. It just doesn't do some images justice to see them in 5x7 prints when making your selections. So far, it has been a tremendous success... the viewing and ordering sessions that have utilized this have appreciated being able to see all of the detail in each of their images... it's wonderful.
I have to run out for a session but will be in later to post some sneak peeks!
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