Saturday, June 24, 2006

little model to be

I say model to be because this was an uncommonly cooperative, gorgeous 2-year old who just seemed to "pose" naturally in the most perfect ways.
I really mean that. Look at her!!

Add to the amazing level of cooperation, she's just plain GORGEOUS.......

One in color...

Some cake shots, I just love this kind of session... everything is SO easy!
And some dirty little feet.
This was a pretty short session. Maybe one hour or so. So much variety considering the time spent. We spent a while with the cake, probably close to a half hour. She was pretty timid, in the cutest way...

Then her mother changed her outfit, and we went out back for some variety in her surroundings for these portraits, and photographed some more. *Maybe* another half hour out there... and that was it. Not long enough for her to get tired, cranky, or difficult in the least. It was a really fun session.

When I started this blog, I told myself that I wanted to only post a few images from any one session. What it comes down to is that... I simply can not choose 2 or 3. It's impossible!

Friday, June 23, 2006

challenging little ones!

Here are a few from an order I just received last night. These kids gave me quite the run for my money. They were both alllllll over the place, and in opposite directions at all times. These two were from the very beginning. The allotted 2 minutes or so when it's still new and strange, and children are a little timid. Eye contact and cute expressions. It only got harder from here when we decided to lose the backdrop and lights, and take it outside.

It started like this... cute, right?

And from that moment on, I barely saw anything but the backs of their heads again. When they did give me a moment, I was ready... but literally, I had about a half second to work with in those "moments..."

Ah, the joys of children's photography... despite all the running and chasing and trying everything, it's all worth it to see images like this at the end.
Happy weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

older children

Although I specialize in: "maternity, babies, children, interactions" (and newborns if that isn't covered in "babies") I clearly seem to get more younger children than older children. Aside from newborns and babies up to age 1, Preschool age seems to prevail. Here's one from an April session all the way over in Cedarburg.

I recently had an inquiry for a session with older children: ages 8 and 10. I have photographed a handful of ages... 6-12 or so, but honestly not as often or as frequentlyy as I photograph the younger ages.

Here is one image from nearly a year ago (?) that I still love. I think this little girl was 6 at the time and so sweet. The whole family was. I've got some older children coming up next week. 9 and 7, I believe. I welcome the change of pace that comes with dealing with older children. It's refreshing to have some variety in the ages that I photograph!

Here is a 9 year old with her new baby sister, born a few months ago. She was so excited to be a new big sister, you could see it. We could have had an entire session just for her with her little sister, easily. Such a sweetheart.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a few fathers day imges

Now that Fathers Day has gone by and it's safe to post any surprises... here are just a few of my clients who are amazing fathers:

Happy belated fathers day to all you wonderful dads!

contacted by...

Tot Trends Weekly!

I am almost feeling hesitant to say this, because knowing my luck, something will change and it could end up not happening... I was contacted by Tot Trends Weekly. They'd like to use one of my maternity images on their magazine cover!

I am honored of course, because I recognize their previous magazine cover photographs as taken by some amazing children's portrait photographers that I very much admire.

These are the two images they are going to choose between for their maternity issue:

I was told last week that the date that they expect it to be published is June 26th. We shall see...
Exciting to be contacted with that request, nonetheless! I love both of these images for different reasons.

website update

I had taken this most of this week off as a "break" so to say, to spend time with my children, get some preschool preperation stuff ready, and if there was any time leftover, to update my website. Not surprisingly, I have updated my website before taking care of anything not work related. I re-listed prices and collections on it. I get several inquiries per week on just prices, and honestly- it is just easier to put them out there and let people look and decide at thier own pace. So prices are up. Collections are up. Changed the colors a bit to spice things up. :) More changes to collections to come in time for the holiday season.