Thursday, November 02, 2006

butterfly baby

... You know who I'm talking about!
If I had to tell you what image gets the most comments... The most "ooh's" and "wow's" after new clients receive my info pack, this is it. This image is in my info pack, and I tell you- people love it. :) It's easy to see why... gorgeous perfect little baby, beautiful bed, gorgeous wall art, she is just the sweetest little thing.

And now. Could she possibly be ANY cuter?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

sweet boys

I have lots of boys to post! First, sweet little J, who I had the honor of meeting his first week home, from another country:

What an absolute joy. And his mother. I could spend an afternoon just chatting with her. Loved this family so much. Absolutly incredible people, all the way.

Now, this adorable little boy. Willing as ever to give me "the look." Love it.

Another sweet little guy. A similar smug little look. The bulk of this session was for his sister, but he allowed me just a couple of very rewarding seconds with him.

And last but not least. For "concerned parties," this little man FINALLY did get his first haircut. And yes, he really is now recognized as a boy!! :) HA! See before and after...!! I'm sure his mommy's a little sad, but they do grow up, don't they?

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

gorgeous family of six

The title says it all. Beautiful famiy, beautiful images. An absolute pleasure.

No halloween images to share today, but I hope you all had a wonderful halloween with your little ones.

Monday, October 30, 2006

yummy tot trends cover

I have many new images to share, I'll try to find some time to resize and post here this week. In the meantime, I wanted to share another Tot Trends Weekly cover with one of THE easiest little 2 year olds I've ever photographed!