Happy Monday Morning! (Can I still call 10 am morning?)
Here we go- Special offer #1 of 3....
I still have one session available the week of Jan. 15. I'd like to offer this
full session for $50 (!!!) to the person who comes closest to answering one question.
In true price is right style, the winner will be the person who comes closest without going over. :)
Ready for the question?
How many people did I photograph during this year's holiday season? Photographing for the holidays in my book really started in September, so try to guess how many people were photographed between September 1 and now. We're guessing people- babies, kids, adults- not number of sessions.
Email your answer to allie@proudtointroduce.com
A $50 session.... quite a steal!
I'll leave this contest open all week and contact the winner by Friday at noon. I will post the answer to the question and the winner here on Friday as well.
Look forward to hearing your guesses!! Good luck!
((Details: this session will utilize online proofing for their viewing and ordering and portrait prices will be based on current '07 pricing, please see main website to view starting portrait prices on '07 rates. If the winner happens to be a client who has had a session within the 4 months prior, they will also receive 10% off of a-la carte classic portrait rates, falling under the Watch Me Grow! plan. The winner will receive an info pack with all prices, etc., and it will be treated just like any normal session.))