Friday, August 11, 2006

birthday boy

Happy birthday, sweet little Henry.

It's been a wonderful year. I think you were about 8 months or so here:

And you were JUST born. My own baby was too little to leave, but I so wanted to photograph you.... so I brought him along! That's what maternity leaves are all about, right? Taking time off but taking your baby with you wherever you go, no matter what? :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Wow. The response from this blog has been really surprising to me. Who knew so many people checked in so often and actually read the words! I like it. It's a great way to communicate with a lot of people all at once. The opening for the week of 8/28 has been filled. The next opening is now the week of 9/11. Holidays are coming. The increase in the amount of calls/emails for availability and session info is telling me that they really are coming.

90% of the time, I check voice messages left and return calls daily. I usually return calls between 1-3 in the afternoon, and/or between 5-8 pm.

Thanks for your interest and patience as I return a few more calls and emails tomorrow! And thanks so much for checking in here often to know what's going on with availability, sessions, etc. Blogs. They really do make life a little easier. :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

for once

Yes, I am a photographer, and yes, I regularly photograph children and toddlers. But with my own children, well... It's next to impossible.

Let's be honest here. The last one I have of them both looking halfway decent in the same frame was when the little one was about... 8 months old. He's 15 months now. No joke.
Well, somehow, the planets aligned and I got one of them. Both in the same frame. And looking. And smiling. It's nothing extraordinary, but if only you knew the true unsuccessful efforts I have endured for MONTHS now trying to get "just one" of this sweet little camera-phobe, with his wonderful big brother.... you would understand. Here is "the" shot. Finally. My boys.

My older guy looks a little goofy, but really, that's him... a little goofy cute.

Sweet little things, aren't they?

Rain Dates and Availability

I currently have room for one more session for the week of August 28th. Contact me if you'd like to get in sooner rather than later.
After that opening, the next available session is the week of September 11- one more opening.
My schedule starts to open up quite a bit the week of September 25th, but I have a feeling that won't last long once people get the holiday portraits/greeting card itch.

Email or call if I can squeeze you in. 414.861.5531 or

Rain dates are a hot commodity. I had my first session ever rescheduled because of the rain last week! Somehow, after all this time, this was the first time it was necessary. I am very flexible with rain dates and squeezing in sessions that get rained out, don't worry!