Monday, January 29, 2007

the pressure!

Oh the pressure of this quick turnaround time!! Here are a few more sneak peeks, and I must continue to proof! :) What a fun experience this mini session has been!
I will say that the whole 4-10 proofs guarantee........ well, let's just say that it's more like 8-12ish for most! That's a good thing.

In random order, no commentary. I have too much to say about each one!!

Enjoy the peek and be on the lookout in your inbox for the full gallery link! You know- by 10 am tomorrow but perhaps.... sooner.

how can she stand it?

How can she stand it?
Having boys this cute, I mean?
The first set of sneak peeks from the crazy, busy & fun mini session day...

First, the little one:

Then the bigger one, who holds the spot for "absolute most cooperative" and EASY to photograph toddler EVER, in my book.

Funny guy...
And back to very serious.

Super CUTE... my goodness.

And you can't beat this. Had it been a full session, we could have worked with it a little, gotten the little one in with them, etc. But my goodness. For 20 minutes, you can NOT beat this. So much for 4-10 images. I can barely keep my favorites to 4-10 images!

More mini session peeks to come! Soon! :)